La ginecomastia es un aumento en la cantidad de tejido de la glándula mamaria en niños u hombres. Lo causa un desequilibrio de las hormonas estrógeno y testosterona.
La ginecomastia es un aumento en la cantidad de tejido de la glándula mamaria en niños u hombres. Lo causa un desequilibrio de las hormonas estrógeno y testosterona.
A male breast reduction in Tijuana, Mexico is the most effective known treatment for gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. According to Dr. Rafael Camberos, founder of Camberos Plastic Surgery, this cosmetic surgery procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest.
Due to genetics, use of certain medications, or other unspecified reasons, some men develop the appearance of enlarged breasts. It is estimated that up to 50% of men in the United States experience some degree of gynecomastia during their lifetime. In the opinion of Dr. Rafael Camberos, founder of Plastiks, gynecomastia can present at any age, and male breast reduction can be performed safely and successfully on teenagers and adult men alike.
Gynecomastia is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in enlarged breasts. This can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, certain medications, or an underlying health condition. Treatment options include surgery, hormone therapy, or a combination of both.
Gynecomastia is typically classified into four stages based on the degree of breast tissue development:
Gynecomastia, or the abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, can go away without treatment, but it depends on the underlying cause. Some common causes of gynecomastia include hormonal imbalances, certain medications, and certain medical conditions.
Gynecomastia, or the abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, is not typically considered to be dangerous. However, it can cause physical discomfort and embarrassment and affect self-esteem. In some cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that requires further evaluation and treatment.
Candidates for gynecomastia surgery are typically men who have good general health, such as men who do not smoke, do not do recreational drugs, and do not have serious medical conditions.
Men who have a stable body weight and are not considered obese are typically good candidates. Men who have excess fatty tissue or breast tissue that is not reduced by diet, exercise, or weight loss are also good candidates.
Most often, men who seek this surgery are over the age of 18. While this benign condition is common in adolescence, the symptoms of excess male breast tissue may naturally disappear as hormones settle and fatty deposits diminish.
¡Recomiendo visitar al Dr. Camberos y su equipo! Son increíblemente amables, profesionales y serviciales para responder cualquier pregunta antes y después de la cirugía. ¡Me encantan mis resultados!
El Dr. Rafael Camberos fue súper profesional, cariñoso y amable en todo momento. Él y su equipo me hicieron sentir seguro y cómodo. Siempre estuvieron disponibles y con una actitud increíble.
¡Es obvio que al Dr. Camberos realmente le ENCANTA su trabajo! Orgullo, pasión e integridad son algunas de sus cualidades. Su equipo está seleccionado cuidadosamente para reflejar su visión.
La cirugía plástica es increíblemente segura siempre que acuda a un cirujano plástico certificado y con experiencia en un procedimiento quirúrgico en particular.
Su tiempo de recuperación depende del procedimiento/cirugía específica que esté realizando. Por ejemplo, los procedimientos como la microdermoabrasión y las inyecciones de Botox suelen tener un tiempo de recuperación más corto que un aumento de senos o una abdominoplastia. Es importante tener en cuenta que cada persona reacciona de manera diferente a la cirugía plástica y los tiempos de recuperación variarán.