A mommy makeover in Tijuana, Mexico is a procedure for women who want to restore the appearance of their bodies before pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover

Un cambio de imagen de mamá es un procedimiento para mujeres que desean restaurar la apariencia de sus cuerpos antes del embarazo. El paquete completo generalmente consiste en contorno corporal y mejoras en los senos que pueden devolverle su hermoso cuerpo.

Mommy Makeover Surgery

A mommy makeover in Tijuana, Mexico is the familiar term for a personalized set of cosmetic procedures designed to help a woman address common effects of childbearing and aging on the face, breasts, and body and restore or improve upon her pre-pregnancy appearance. Mommy makeovers can include cosmetic surgery, non-surgical treatments, or a combination of both. According to Dr. Rafael Camberos, founder of Camberos Plastic Surgery, many women are discouraged when their breasts and body do not return to their pre-pregnancy shape, even with a healthy diet and exercise. In the opinion of Dr. Rafael Camberos, founder of Plastiks, by addressing unwanted changes of pregnancy and restoring the appearance you desire, a mommy makeover can help you feel more like yourself, improving your comfort and self-confidence.


A Mommy Makeover is a combination of plastic surgery and/or non-surgical cosmetic enhancement treatments designed to address the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and the raising of children.

It is often recommended that new mothers wait at least a year after having their last child before undergoing a Mommy Makeover procedure; however, Dr. Newman advises some patients to wait even longer periods of time. It’s important to remember that many Mommy Makeover procedures involve recovery periods that will make it difficult to care for small children in the weeks following surgery.

If you are planning on having more children, it is best to wait until you have had your last child before undergoing a Mommy Makeover; however, its important to note that every patient is different, and what is not advisable for some individuals may be okay for others.

A Mommy Makeover can include as little as two treatments or as many five, depending on your goals. The procedure is custom-designed to meet your specific needs.

A “mommy makeover” in Tijuana, Mexico is the familiar term for a personalized set of cosmetic procedures designed to help a woman address common effects of childbearing and aging on the face, breasts, and body and restore or improve upon her pre-pregnancy appearance.

Candidates for Mommy Makeover

The ideal candidate for a mommy makeover is a healthy, non-smoking woman who is done having children and has completely recovered from her last pregnancy.

BMI is also important which is based off your height and weight. It is important to discuss this with your Dr. Rafael Camberos to determine if you’re at a healthy weight to reduce the possibility of complications.

Subsequent pregnancies will reverse the results of your mommy makeover. A reputable surgeon will strongly recommend not undergoing this significant procedure unless you are certain you are done having kids.

A mommy makeover is not a weight loss procedure. If you plan on losing more weight, it’s best to do so before surgery. Any weight you lose after surgery can negatively impact your results and may leave you with sagging skin again.

Artistry + Precision

Seamless, Stunning Results
Dr. Rafael Camberos offers world-class plastic surgery at his practice in Tijuana, Mexico

¡Recomiendo visitar al Dr. Camberos y su equipo! Son increíblemente amables, profesionales y serviciales para responder cualquier pregunta antes y después de la cirugía. ¡Me encantan mis resultados!


El Dr. Rafael Camberos fue súper profesional, cariñoso y amable en todo momento. Él y su equipo me hicieron sentir seguro y cómodo. Siempre estuvieron disponibles y con una actitud increíble.


¡Es obvio que al Dr. Camberos realmente le ENCANTA su trabajo! Orgullo, pasión e integridad son algunas de sus cualidades. Su equipo está seleccionado cuidadosamente para reflejar su visión.

Acerca de Cirugía Plástica

Preguntas Frecuentes

La cirugía plástica es increíblemente segura siempre que acuda a un cirujano plástico certificado y con experiencia en un procedimiento quirúrgico en particular.

Durante la visita de consulta, el Dr. Camberos revisará su historial médico y discutirá los procedimientos con usted. Es probable que el Dr. Camberos necesite ver el área del cuerpo donde se realizará el procedimiento para realizar una evaluación clínica.

Su tiempo de recuperación depende del procedimiento/cirugía específica que esté realizando. Por ejemplo, los procedimientos como la microdermoabrasión y las inyecciones de Botox suelen tener un tiempo de recuperación más corto que un aumento de senos o una abdominoplastia. Es importante tener en cuenta que cada persona reacciona de manera diferente a la cirugía plástica y los tiempos de recuperación variarán.

Durante la visita de consulta, el proveedor revisará su historial médico y discutirá los procedimientos con usted. Es probable que el proveedor necesite ver el área del cuerpo donde se realizará el procedimiento para realizar una evaluación clínica.